Students are expected to wear the appropriate attire and shoes, based on the class, as listed.  Students not in proper dress code will be asked to sit out. Dress code is for the proper dance training of your child, and is not optional.

All Students:

  • Hair MUST be neatly and tightly pulled back
  • Ballet: long hair must be in a tight, neat bun with no flyaways, hair nets preferred.
  • Youth: No jewelry except small earrings

Ballet Program

Creative Dance

Pink leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers


White leotard, pink tights and pink ballet slippers, matte black (non-shiny/non-patent leather) tap shoes that have a strap and buckle/velcro closure. Bloch or Capezio make quality mary-jane style tap shoes. We are starting Tap instruction in September this year, so your child will need their shoes immediately.

Beginning Ballet 1

Leotard: White Bloch® CL5605 or L5605
Tights: Full footed Ballet pink
Shoes: Pink leather slippers, full sole

Beginning Ballet 2

Leotard: Lavender Bloch® CL5605 or L5605
Tights: Ballet pink or skin tone
Shoes: Pink leather full sole or skin tone canvas slippers (matching tights’ color)

Beginning Ballet 3

Leotard: Burgundy Bloch® CL5605 or L5605
Tights: Ballet pink or skin tone
Shoes: Pink leather or skin tone canvas slippers (matching tights’ color)

Intermediate Ballet 1 & 2

Leotard: Navy Blue Bloch® L5605 (tank) or L5607 (camisole)
Tights: Ballet pink or skin tone
Shoes: Pink leather or skin tone canvas slippers (matching tights’ color)

Intermediate Ballet 3 & Advanced Ballet

Leotard: Black – any style
Tights: Ballet pink or skin tone
Shoes: Pink leather or skin tone canvas slippers (matching tights’ color)

Boys – BEG Level

Tight white t-shirt or white leotard, black bike shorts
Shoes: White leather slippers, full sole, thin white mid-calf socks

Boys – INT/ADV Levels

White short sleeved leotard, black ankle tights
Shoes: White or black leather slippers, white socks

Interdisciplinary Dance Program

Tap Levels 1-3

Black Leggings or sweats, Leotard or fitted solid color T (no graphics), black lace-up tap shoes


Leotard from ballet class (same color, same leotard), pink or skin tone footless tights


Leotard from ballet class (same color, same leotard), pink or skin tone footless tights

Hip Hop

Please have a pair of black sneakers for hip hop class which come to the studio in a bag, are put on in the lobby before class and are removed and put back in the bag to go home, in the manner of any other dance footwear. These can be any black sneakers as long as the soles have been washed off. These sneakers are only to be worn when dancing, not for outdoor play etc. Black pants or leggings, solid colored top with no designs or leotard


Black leggings, leotard or fitted solid color tshirt. Bare feet.

Funky Jazz

Solid color leotard or fitted T shirt or tank top, black leggings, black jazz shoes

Musical Theatre

Solid color leotard or fitted T shirt or tank top, leggings, black jazz shoes

Irish Step

Solid color leotard or fitted T shirt or tank top, leggings or shorts, fitted, black soft Irish Step Shoe. Advice for shoes: Black ballet or jazz shoes are also fine for Irish. If you go with black ballet shoes, the ones with elastic in the shape of an X across the top give the same vibe as ghillies, Irish dance soft shoes. Recommended brands are Fay’s and Rutherford.


Raquel supplies skirts and shoes. Please wear leggings and a leotard to class. Please bring thin socks.

Recommended Stores:
Dancer’s Image (driving, commuter rail, MBTA green line and short walk)
1353 Washington St
Newton, MA 02465
Open Monday-Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-5, Sunday 12-4

Teddy Shoes (MBTA- Central SQ)- call first to make sure they have correct style/size/color
548 Mass Ave
Cambridge, MA 02139 | 617.354.2987
Hours: Sunday 12-5pm, Tuesdays off
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 11-5pm

En español:

¿No sabes cómo vestirte? Estamos aquí para ofrecer consejo en cómo vestirte para la clase. Mira abajo:

Se espera que los estudiantes se vistan en la vestimenta y los zapatos apropiados, basado en la clase, como se indica. Estudiantes quién no se están visto en la vestimenta apropiada se le pedirá a no participar en la clase. El código de vestimenta es para entrenar a su niño según las reglas de baile, y no es opcional.

Código de vestimenta:

  • El pelo DEBE ESTAR firmemente y cuidadosamente retirado
  • Ballet: el pelo de las niñas DEBE estar en un moño apretado y limpio sin lacios, se prefieren las redecillas
  • Los niños: no llevan la joyería, la única tipa que permitimos son aretes pequeñas
  • Puedes traer una botella de agua, pero la deja por la puerta por favor
  • Al menos se especifique el contrario, los leotardos pueden ser un estilo sencillo de su elección

Tiendas recomendados:

Dancer’s Image (por coche)
1353 Washington St
Newton, MA 02465

Abierto lunes a viernes de 10 a 6, sábado de 10 a 5, domingo de 12 a 4

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